Hello Everyone!
Today will be a blog that is specifically for students who are about to enter finals season. But even if you aren’t a student feel free to share this blog with any students that you might know!
One of the hardest parts of the school year is finals week. It usually includes a lack of sleep, an increase of stress and a bad diet. While sometimes these things are inevitable here are a few tips for preparing ahead of time to prevent these things from happening.
Create a Perfect Study Spot
Everyone has a different place to study. Personally, I feel the most productive when I am sitting on the floor. A few other places that I enjoy are my desk, the kitchen table, a classroom, or the library. But during finals week I always try and find multiple different places to study. A change of scenery is almost always necessary for having a successful study session. It can be hard studying for hours at a time at the same spot. So make sure to change it up. Your finals study spot may even be different from your study spot during the rest of the year. I have found that by having a different study spot for finals I am more productive.
Once you have determined your study spot make sure that it includes everything that you need for a productive study session. It’s much easier to get distracted if you have to leave your study spot to get something from your room or to get a snack. So, now we will discuss a few necessities for that productive study session.
1. Your computer
If you are a college student this is a must. It probably contains all of the information necessary for your to study so don’t forget it!
2. Your chargers
There is nothing worse then getting to the library for a productive study session and realizing that your computer or phone is dying and you don’t have a charger. I have made this mistake more times then I would like to count, but I’m getting much better about keeping the chargers in my bag.
3. Water and a snack
If you are planning to study for a long period of time that probably means that you are going to get hungry. So, make sure that you have enough snacks and water to keep you motivates during your entire session.
4. Coffee or Tea
Having a coffee or tea while I study always makes it a little more fun. You can either make it at home or stop at Starbucks on the way. Sometimes the caffeine is necessary to get through your study session as well so just be prepared.
5. Notes
Make sure that you have all the notes that you are going to need to study. If you don’t want to carry all of your notes around then take a picture and upload them onto your computer or tablet.
Small side note; I like to create one big binder for finals week that includes any notes or information that I might need to study. While this takes more time at the beginning it makes my life easier later in the week when I don’t want to think about what notes I need.
6. Pens and Pencils
If you have paper notes make sure that you also have plenty of pens and pencils to make notes. I always suggest that you also have colored pens and highlighters at this makes studying just a little bit more fun.
7. Good Light
Make sure that you can see what your studying. You want to have good light.
Those are just a few things that you need to set up your perfect study spot. Comment your favorite spot to study in the comments below and make sure to check out our next blog for more tips about studying!
See you next time!
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