Hello Everyone!
As I am sure you are all aware the holiday season begins this week. That means traveling, being in a new location, and working around family events. It also means a time for relaxing and enjoying the time spent with the ones that we love. It’s always best to try and take a break from work and school on the holidays, but sometimes that just isn’t possible. So here are a few tips and tricks for maintaining balance and enjoying the holidays while staying productive.
1. Before you Leave
If you are traveling this holiday season then make sure that before you leave you have packed everything that you might need to complete any work from your new location. This usually includes a laptop, any chargers, books and writing utensils that might not be available where you are spending the holidays. That is personally one of my biggest fears is forgetting to pack notes or an assignment that I need for class. That is why it is helpful to lay everything out a few days in advance of when you leave. And if that isn’t possible try to make a list of the things that you will need so that they are easy to grab on your way out.
2. Once on the Road or In the Air
This is prime time for getting some work done. Unless you are the one driving of course. If you are able to use that time sitting in the airport, on the road or up in the air to complete some work. Do it! This makes it much easier to spend time with friends and family when you know that you have at least accomplished something before you even arrive.
3. After you Arrive
Make sure that you have a good place to work. Environment is extremely important when it comes to being productive and by traveling you are already removing yourself from your ideal working space. So, once you arrive at your location find a new one. Having a desk or table is preferable. But almost anywhere will work if you have enough space and privacy to get your work done.
4. Limit Yourself
The work will still be there when you get back. The holidays are a time to spend time with family and friends so make sure that you are putting that into your schedule. Thanksgiving can be harder then Christmas because students are preparing for finals and anyone with a full time job is preparing to leave for Christmas. But don’t forget to take time for yourself during these times.
5. Morning and Night
Personally I like getting up early and completing my work in the morning, but night is also a great time for it. Try and find a time when nothing is happening that you might miss out on. Plan around other events. It’s also easier to get things done when no one else is awake.
6. Reduce Distractions
I don’t know about you but my phone is always going constantly time during the holidays. It can get very distracting when you are trying to do work. Go ahead and leave any devices that aren’t necessary in another room.
7. Take Breaks
If you have to do work during the day then make sure to take plenty of breaks in between.
8. Follow Our Previous Tips
Check out a few of our blogs below for some more tips!
This blogs all have helpful tips and tricks for completing work anywhere. Whether that is at home during the year or home for the holidays. These tips will be great for any location.
See You Next Time!
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