Hello Everyone!

When it comes to productivity there are a number of apps that make things so much easier. These apps are best when used on a tablet or phone, but many of them you can also access via the internet. In this blog we will specifically focus on apps that are free or only a few dollars. There are a number of apps that cost more money that can be utilized as well, but so far these are my favorites. When it comes to simple productivity and scheduling these apps are simple and easy to use. Make sure to check them out  below to up your productivity game.


I have always loved my paper calendar, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t use a digital one as well. I mean, let’s be honest it’s now expected that you have your calendar on your phone. This can be very helpful when scheduling dinner with friends, doctor’s appointments or trying to remember when you are going on vacation. This is also great for the reminder feature. You no longer need to remember when your events are because you can simply set the event to notify you a certain amount of time beforehand. This is amazing if your like me and can’t remember your very busy schedule. So, that being said let’s take a look at two of my favorite calendar apps below.

1. Google Calendar

If you have been keeping up with our previous blogs we covered tips and tricks for using Google Calendar. If you haven’t seen those blogs check them out here.

Google Calendar is a great app for scheduling and planning. As we mentioned in our blogs it gives you the ability to organize events, create to-do lists and plan months ahead of time. It is also available on all tablets or phones and can also be accessed via the internet. You do need a google account in order to access Google Calendar, but in my opinion it is the easiest calendar app to use.


2. Calendar

If you don’t have a Google Calendar then the Apple Calendar is a great option. Similar to Google Calendar it offers multiple calendars, the ability to invite multiple people and different viewing options (day, week, month, and year). You can also sync it up on all of your apple devices so that it is always with you. The only downside with this calendar is that you must have an apple device.


Another thing that I have to have on me at all times is my email. I’m constantly receiving messages regarding all aspects of my life so it is just easier to have my messages easily available on my phone. Here are a few of my favorite apps for keeping track of my emails.

1. Gmail

If you have a Gmail account make sure that you download the Gmail app. This app is awesome for keeping up with emails, organizing them, and replying quickly. Similar to Google Calendar you must have a google account to use Gmail, but it is a a wonderful app for keeping track of email messages.

2. Outlook

Outlook comes with the Microsoft Office and the one really nice thing about it is that it also includes a calendar. I have both my school email and personal email attached to my outlook account and it is great having both emails in one place. That is the only downside to the Gmail app, your email has to be a Gmail account in order for it to work in the app. But with the outlook app you can combine all of your emails in a singular app.

 School Apps

1. Goodnotes

I don’t think that I can say enough about how amazing this app is. I downloaded it on my iPad when I came to college and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Goodnotes is a note taking app as suggested by its title. One of my favorite things about this app is the fact that it allows you to download power point and PDFs and write on them. You can also create separate notebooks for all of your classes to make you notes easily accessible during class. This saves so much paper and if your worried that your notes might get deleted just go ahead and save a PDF version of all of your notes to your computer.

This is definitely by far one of my favorite apps for school.

2. Libby

Libby is an awesome app when you don’t have time to go to the library. With a Libby account you can access a great selection of books from your library in a digital format. I have this app on my tablet, but you can also have it on your phone if that is easier. I love checking out books through Libby because if you ever forget to return your book it returns it for you automatically. No more fines for late books.

All of these apps are amazing for students, but they can be adapted for whatever function you need them to fulfill. That is one of the best parts about them. They are adaptable based upon your own life. I hope this lists gets you started with a few apps that can help you be a little more productive throughout the day.

See you next week!


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