Hello Everyone,

Today we will be discussing the importance of a night routine. Just like a morning routine a night routine can help increase your productivity levels and decrease stress. It is also crucial for the preparation of a successful morning routine.

Ahead of Time

Before the morning comes around there are a few things that can be done the night before to prepare for a successful morning and day. Below are a few ideas for habits that can be implemented to prepare for the next day. The will help you prepare for your morning routine!

1. Clean your Space

This task had been a game changer for me this year. It is so easy to get in the habit of not cleaning a space before you go to sleep. While we know that the task needs to be done it is much easier for us to just leave it for the next day then to actually do it that night. While you might clean it the next day it is much harder to wake up to clutter and convinced yourself to get out of bed. So do yourself a favor; spend 5-10 minutes cleaning your space the night before.

2. Write a To-Do List

Many times when I go to sleep I have a million different things running through my mind. I’m constantly reminding myself of things that I have to do the next day and that makes it really hard to fall asleep quickly. By creating a to-do list before I go to sleep I’m able to get all of my thoughts on paper so I don’t have to worry that while I’m trying to fall asleep. This also makes it easier to get up in the morning because I don’t have to try and recall all the task I have to complete. They have already been written down and I am ready to get started.

One other trick that accompanies this habit is leaving the to-do list next to your bed with a pen. That way whenever you think of something new you can easily jot it down.

3. Go to Sleep

Always try to go to bed at a reasonable time. For a successful morning you can’t be tired or unmotivated due to a lack of sleep. It’s okay to stay up a little later every now and then, but know how much sleep you personally need and try to give yourself that amount. It can make a huge difference.

4. Set Multiple Alarms

There is nothing worse then waking up and realizing that you didn’t hear your alarm go off. To combat this set multiple alarms and leave one of them across the room. That way you have to get out of bed to turn it off.

A Successful Morning

These are all things that will allow you to have a successful morning. Why make it harder on yourself when you can be proactive and plan for a productive day?

A Few More Things

1. Tea: If you can’t sleep drink some tea. This will help calm the nerves.

2. Turn off your phone early in the night: When I know that I need to go to sleep and I can’t be distracted I will turn my phone on do not disturb by 8:00pm. This gets my mind off of my messages and emails and allows me to spend more time focusing on my school work and the other tasks that I need to complete. If someone really needs you they can call twice.

3. Create a playlist: I like to have a playlist that I only use for my night routine. It includes a number of songs that make me feel calm and happy. It also tells my mind that it is time to get ready to sleep. This has been a game changer.

Finally, make sure that your routine reflects you. If you have other tasks and habits that you want to implement go for it. These are just a few suggestions to get you started.

See you next week!


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Categories: Adapt