Hello Everyone!
Today we will be covering one of my absolute favorite topics. Planning ahead! As a competitive figure skater of 15 years, I became very good at this. Even if I wasn’t traveling during the week, I still had to plan around my training schedule. So, today I will be going over some of the tips and tricks that I used to plan ahead and decrease stress and increase productivity.
1. It’s All About Balance
It can be easy to get consumed by the work that you need to complete whether it is for work, or school, but one of the most important things to remember is that it is all about balance. The more time that you spend worrying about when you are going to get things done the less time you have to complete the tasks. It is also important to remember to take breaks. Take a walk, spend time with family or read a good book. Breaks are very important to a balanced schedule.
2. Communication is Key
The most important lesson that I ever learned from having to plan ahead was that I had to communicate with my teachers, friends and family. For example, whenever I knew that I would be out of the state for training or a competition the first thing that I would do is contact all my teachers. I would ask them what we would be working on while I was gone and what assignments I could complete before I left. This required that I give them about two weeks’ notice. Two weeks out I would send the email and plan any test, or assignments that I had to complete during the next week. I tried to save as little as possible for when I was away because I knew that I would be skating for most of the time.
3. Phone a Friend
Let your friends know when you will be out of town so that they can take notes for you or send you updates. While it isn’t a good idea to be working during an absence there may be a few things that you may want to stay up to date on while you’re gone. If this is the case appoint one specific person to let you know of any updates. This way you aren’t asking people when you get back and forcing them to try and remember what was talked about in a class or a meeting a week ago.
4. Earlier is Better
Always try to complete any assignments before you will be absent. This makes it so much easier when you return because you aren’t trying to get caught up. If you save everything until after your absence you won’t only be trying to catch up, but you won’t be able to understand anything that is going on the week that you return. Take it from me the earlier you can get the work done the better.
5. Keep a Routine
You should always have a routine for when you are going to be absent. By knowing what needs to be done in preparation and communicating to all the necessary parties properly everyone can prepare accordingly. It will also decrease your stress while you are out of town.
6. Utilize the Suggestions in our Previous Blogs
Just because you will be in a different location then normal doesn’t mean that our tips and tricks from our previous blogs won’t work. Create a secondary base schedule for the time that you will be away. Fill it with your itinerary for your trip and then add in any tasks that need to be completed while you’re away.
7. Put Away Your Phone
While I know that this is a hard ask it is very necessary. If you are trying to work ahead you don’t want to be distracted by your phone. It can be hard to concentrate and you want to decrease any possible distractions. One of my favorite things to do it to put my phone in another room. This allows you to completely forget about it and focus on your work. If that still doesn’t work try giving it to a friend. Tell them not to give it back to you until you have finished a specific assignment. If you do need to keep your phone with you then turn it on Do Not Disturb. If you have an iPhone you can also create a specialty Do Not Disturb that lets certain people contact you. Therefore, you are able to see certain calls and texts that you might be waiting on.
8. Your Computer is your Best Friend
If you are a student and your teachers are unsure about you missing some of the content while you will be away, then ask them if there is a way that you can attend the class virtually. This is also a great idea if you don’t want to miss too many notes while away or you’re just nervous about missing content in general. Teachers also appreciate a student who is willing to go out of their way to attend class.
Hopefully all these tips will help the next time that you have to miss school or work! For more tips and tricks, be sure to check out our blog on Thursday about how to catch up after an unexpected absence!
See you then!
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